Sunday, November 30, 2014

Impossible Scooter is it hoax?

Impossible Scooter is it hoax?

No founder image in the video? normally founder will be passionately talk about their product.

waiting on some question to be answered.

1.please give us some brake down measure of the weight for each major component? eg engine/battery/wheel/frame

2.the battery is 2.9ah*10*3.6v = 104.4Wh , it can travel 20Km = 104/20 = 5.2Wh per KM? is this correct estimate?

3.could you please give us some background information for the 4 major team member? eg which university from? degree? past experience on electrical design?

4.please provide a detailed timeline for the coming 8 month project?

5. assume this project have been running for sometime to achieve current status, could you please provide some past milestone photos on achieving the working prototype as show in the video.

6. do you have any Advisors and Mentors? who are they?

wait and see...

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